Public Hearing on Riprap Proposal
The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) is hosting a virtual public hearing on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 5:30 p.m., concerning an Ocean Shore Alteration Application.
Permit application 3046 seeks clearance to construct a 60-foot-long riprap revetment (an erosion control measure made of rocks placed on a slope for protection). The proposed location is on the public beach, officially known as the Ocean Shore State Recreation Area, in Cannon Beach west of 3216 Pacific Avenue.
There were more than 10 requests for a hearing during the public comment period that ended Nov. 3, which means a public hearing is required under ORS 390.650(3). This hearing is an information-gathering session and provides an opportunity for OPRD to hear directly from the public on the submitted application materials.
The meeting will include an introduction by staff, an overview of the submitted proposal by the applicant and public testimony. The submitted materials for application 3046, can be viewed here.
Anyone wishing to testify at the hearing can register in advance. If you need help signing up, contact Allison Mangini at 541-220-3786 or by noon, Dec. 11.
Following the hearing, registered attendees may provide written testimony by 5 p.m., Dec. 15. Submit by sending to:
•, or
• Tyler Blanchette
Oregon Parks and Recreation Dept.
P.O. Box 2139
Waldport, OR 97394
Within 45-days after the hearing, OPRD will make a permit decision. This decision will include consideration of public comment received during the public notice and this hearing.
Contact Ocean Shore Permit Coordinator Tyler Blanchette, 503-510-6741,, for questions about the permit application procedure.