Date wrapper:

Rockaway Beach Riprap Hearing 2

June 24, 2021 - 7:30 PM
Tillamook County
Free—public meeting

The WorldMark Gleneden perches on an eroding bluff.\Photo by Dennis White.

The desire of some property owners to riprap lots in the Rockaway Beach area is leading to challenge to Oregon’s land use laws, particularly Goal 18, which guides planning for beaches and dunes.  The second public airing of this controversial demand takes place in a hearing before the Tillamook County Planning Commission to be held virtually on Thursday, June 24, at 7:30 p.m.

Tillamook County received requests for Goal 18 “exceptions” and associated floodplain development permits from multiple property owners and applicants, who wish to install a riprap revetment along the westerly lots of the Pine Beach Subdivision and five oceanfront lots to the north located within the Barview/Twin Rocks/Watseco Unincorporated Community Boundary,  all in Rockaway Beach. The proposed riprap would be within an area of high coastal hazards and a flood hazard zone.

At issue is eligibility for riprap under Goal 18, Implementation Requirement 5, under which properties developed after Jan. 1, 1977, are not eligible for shoreline armoring. The applicants are arguing that the properties were “developed” because they were platted subdivision lots on January 1, 1977 and “so are entitled to shoreline protection” under Goal 18. However, the properties are marked as ineligible on the Oregon Coastal Management Program’s Goal 18 Eligibility Inventory. The applicants are seeking a “precautionary” a Goal 18 exception to approve the requested shoreline protection.

To access the live video and the Microsoft Teams virtual meeting link, visit where links will be provided the evening of the hearings. (Microsoft Teams must be installed for virtual meeting access.) For teleconference access the evening of the hearing, call 971-254-3149. Conference ID: 162 123 896#.

The permit numbers for this case are 851-21-000086-PLNG-01 (Goal Exception) and 851-21-000086-PLNG (Floodplain Development Permit). Oral testimony may be provided at the hearing. For instructions on how to provide oral testimony, visit the Tillamook County Community Development homepage at for instructions and protocol, or e-mail Allison Hinderer,

Written testimony may be submitted to the Tillamook County Department of Community Development, 1510-B Third Street, Tillamook, Oregon, 97141 prior to 4 p.m. on the date of the hearing

Failure of an issue to be raised in a hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on that issue. Contact Sarah Absher, Director, Tillamook County Department of Community Development, as soon as possible if you wish to have your comments included in the staff report that will be presented to the Planning Commission.

The applicable criteria include Tillamook County Land Use Ordinance (TCLUO) Section 3.5 10: Flood Hazard Overlay Zone, TCLUO Article 9: Amendment, Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 18, Administrative Rule: OAR-660-015-00l0(3), Oregon Revised Statutes ORS 197.732, Statewide Planning Goals 1 through 19 and the Tillamook County Comprehensive Plan. Other specific review criteria are listed in the public notice for the application (pages 1-8 of the Application File).

In addition to the specific applicable review criteria, the following may contain additional regulations, policies, zones, and standards that may apply to this request:

The documents and submitted application are also available on the Tillamook County Department of Community Development website ( as a PDF ( free of cost.

The staff report is available for public inspection. Contact Allison Hinderer for additional information: or call 1-800-488-8280 x3423.