Date wrapper:

Rocky Shores Meeting

October 16, 2018 - 1:00 PM
Oregon Coast Aquarium
2820 S.E. Ferry Slip Rd
Newport, OR
Ocean Policy Advisory Council
Free—public meeting

Rocky shore at Yachats.\Photo by Bonnie Moreland.
Rocky shore at Yachats.\Photo by Bonnie Moreland.

The Rocky Shores Working Group of Oregon’s Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) is meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 16, from 1-4 p.m. in the Gleeson Room of the Oregon Coast Aquarium (2820 S.E. Ferry Slip Rd.) in Newport.

OPAC has formed a working group to study these state’s current policies regarding tidepools and other rocky shore areas and consider revisions.  Background information on the planning initiative can be found on this OPAC site.  Oregon Shores has long argued that the state’s policies were out of date, and that the ones we do have were never fully implemented.  These hearings provide individuals, organizations, and local governments and opportunity to weigh in on needed protections for rocky shores.

For more information about the meetings, contact Andy Lanier, marine affairs coordinator for DLCD’s Coastal Management Program, (503) 934-0072 or (503) 206-2291 (cell),