Salmon Studies Talk
At their next quarterly community meeting, the Siletz Watershed Council will offer a presentation by Ian Keene, Aquatics Program Biologist for the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians’ Department of Natural Resources. The meeting, free and open to all, takes place on Tuesday, March 20, 6:30 p.m. at the Siletz Public Library (255 S. Gaither St.). Light refreshments will be provided.
Keene is an award-winning urban forester and fisheries biologist, and is in charge of the GIS system for the Tribe. He oversees data management for 1.3 million acres and works with partners throughout the region on various projects. Keene will share information on some of these ongoing and upcoming data-gathering projects in the Siletz Basin. His presentation is entitled, “Hydrological Salmon Modeling in the Main Stem of the Siletz Watershed.”
After the presentation the council will organize logistics for the upcoming Siletz River Clean-up scheduled for Saturday, April 14. Plan on attending if you would like to help with the event.
For more information about the meeting or the Siletz River Clean-up, contact Evan Hayduk, (541) 265-9195 or