Science Pub Imbibes Wind Energy
On Monday, May 9. 6 p.m., offshore wind energy will be the topic of an online Science Pub hosted by Oregon State University, OSU’s Cascades branch, and the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. The event, “Perspectives and Complexities of Responsible Offshore Wind Development in Oregon,” is free and open to all.
The speaker is Flaxen Conway, Director of the Marine Resource Management Graduate Program at Oregon State University, as well as an Extension Specialist with Oregon Sea Grant.
A description of her talk:
“Learning to adapt to change is a daily practice. ‘Think global. Act local. Now.’ is a saying that reflects geospatial and temporal perspective. Large complex issues such as climate change, energy, and food security present us with challenges and the need for thoughtful, creative, and complementary solutions. Renewable energy, on land and at sea, is among the many potential exciting solutions in consideration and practice. There are, however, no silver bullets and finding lasting solutions comes with the need for careful consideration, being explicit about the tradeoffs, and minimizing the negative impacts. Responsible offshore wind energy generation off the coast of Oregon is the contemporary issue on the docket. Come listen and discuss aspects such as time and timing, place and space, nascent technology, and environmental and socioeconomic considerations.”
To register for this event, go to