Date wrapper:

Sea Otter Science Symposium

October 11, 2023 - 9:00 AM
Elakha Alliance

Sea otter science symposium flyer, photo by Courtney Edwards.
Sea otter science symposium flyer, photo by Courtney Edwards.

All are welcome to join the Elakha Alliance’s 2023 Sea Otter Science Symposium on Wednesday, Oct. 11, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. The Symposium speakers hail from across the globe, making for some unique conversations and perspectives. Registration is required to attend the live presentations.

This year, the focus is the “Interrelationships of Underwater Forests.” The goal is to take away valuable knowledge regarding protecting our precious ocean ecosystems, no matter where you reside.

View the full agenda and presenter bios here.

Participants are asked to provide a $10 registration fee to help the Elakha Alliance continue their work towards ocean conservation in Oregon.