Seabird Nest Monitor Training
The citizen science project that involves monitoring seabird nesting colonies continues this year, under some different pandemic protocols. If you care about seabirds and would like to consider participating, an online training session is being offered by Portland Audubon and other sponsors on Saturday, June 5, 10 a.m.-noon.
The monitoring project takes place from early June through August, focusing on two of the state’s marine reserves, at Cape Falcon and Cape Perpetua, with multiple sites at each. (At this time, there is some question about whether the Cape Perpetua portion of the project will take place.)
This project is providing baseline information on seabird populations adjacent to the reserves, enabling a better understanding of how marine reserve protections may affect birds. In addition, this project promotes wider recognition of Oregon’s marine reserves and seabird conservation through local community participation, outreach and education.
Learn more about the project on the Portland Audubon website.
To register for the training webinar, go here.
If you have questions, go to For questions contact Joe Liebezeit at or Allison Anholt at