Seminar on Galapagos Underwater
José Marin Jarrin, from Humbolt State University, will give a public talk titled, "The Underwater Galápagos: The World that Darwin Never Witnessed" on Friday, Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. in the OIMB Boathouse Auditorium. Admission is free and everyone is welcome. This lecture is part of the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology's (OIMB) Fall 2018 Seminar Series.
Dr. Jarrin is an assistant professor in Humboldt State University’s Department of Fisheries Biology. Before joining HSU, Jose worked at the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) as a Senior Fisheries Ecologist, with the focus on studying the life history of several commercially important fish species, the impact of El Niño events on artisanal fisheries catch, and the role of mangroves for the early life stages of fishes in Galápagos. During that time, he was also the interim scientific coordinator for the CDF for nine months, and participated in the sharks, seabirds, seamounts and climate change programs.
Dr. Jarrin states, "As a scientist, my primary research interests are the ecology of the early life history of anadromous and lacustrine fish, and crustaceans and fish species of importance in tropical fisheries. I use a combination of field and laboratory analysis such as multiple modeling and statistical techniques, and otolith, genetic, diet, bioenergetics and individual coupled, physical-biological modeling analysis techniques."