Date wrapper:

Seminar on Mangroves

August 4, 2022 - 3:30 PM
Hatfield Marine Science Center, Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building
2030 SE Marine Science Dr
Newport, OR
Hatfield Marine Science Center

Mangroves in Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand. /Photo courtesy of Te Ara
Mangroves in Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand. /Photo courtesy of Te Ara

Hannah Glover, a postdoctoral scholar at Oregon State University, will be sharing her research on the impacts of removing mangroves off the coast of Aotearoa New Zealand and Myanmar. 

Her description of the talk: "Coastal regions throughout the world are densely populated, ecologically/economically valuable, and vulnerable to marine hazards. In many tropical regions, mangroves forests play a key role in coastal resilience and protection. However, mangrove removal has accelerated over the past century, mainly due to agricultural expansion, and it can be challenging to predict the evolution of deforested regions. This seminar will explore the impact of mangrove removal in two contrasting environments: the Ayeyarwady Delta in Myanmar and Tauranga Harbour in Aotearoa New Zealand. I will focus on observations of sediment dynamics and morphology over tidal to decadal timescales and discuss important considerations for coastal stakeholders. I will also present photos of mudskippers, crocodiles, and other fun inhabitants of mangrove forests."

These talks are delivered in a hybrid fashion.  The event is free, and all are welcome to attend in person in the auditorium of the Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building at the HMSC (2030 S.E. Marine Science Dr) or can register here to attend remotely via Zoom.

Dial-In Information: +1-971-247-1195 US Meeting ID: 945 5573 1151