Date wrapper:

Seminar on Monitoring Ocean Acidification

June 8, 2023 - 3:30 PM
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 SE Marine Science Dr
Newport, OR
Hatfield Marine Science Center

Seascape.\Photo by Sara Schreiber.

The Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) research seminar series features a talk on measuring ocean acidification in both coastal and estuarine waters. “Evaluating the suitability of common autonomous monitoring sensors for characterizing ocean acidification impacts in a biophysically dynamic estuarine setting” takes place on Thursday, June 8, 3:30-4:30 p.m.

This is a hybrid event. It takes place in the Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building auditorium at the HMSC (2030 S.E. Marine Science Dr. in Newport). For those attending in person, there will be a cookie-and-coffee social beginning at 3 in the building’s atrium (bring your own mug). To attend online, go here.

The speaker is Will Fairchild, who studies organic extraction as an ORISE Researcher at US Environmental Protection Agency in Los Angeles and Corvallis. (ORISE is the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education.) His description of his topic:

“Current ocean acidification (OA) monitoring within coastal and estuarine environments presents a variety of logistical and technological hurdles. Understanding the intricacies of sensing technology and assessing measurement uncertainty have large implications for the ability of monitoring programs to derive the full suite of marine carbonate system variables with acceptable accuracy. Additionally, there remain unresolved questions surrounding best instrument pairings to meet “weather” and “climate” goals of OA monitoring in coastal settings. In this study, we examined the performance of three commonly used biogeochemical sensors in a dynamic temperate Oregon estuary for coastal acidification monitoring: a YSI-EXO sonde; a Sea-Bird SeapHOx; and a Sunburst SAMI-CO2. We calculated carbonate system uncertainties for all possible pairings of sensor observations and alkalinity derived from an alkalinity-salinity relationship specific to our study area (Alksal = 56.1*Salinity+410, R2=0.98, n=197, SE = 54.5).  Monitoring data from the SAMI-COand SeapHOx were capable of meeting aragonite saturation state (Ωa) “weather” goals when paired with Alksal, but no data product was capable of achieving “climate” goals for pHT, partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), or Ωa.  Our analysis demonstrated how data quality objectives for meeting “weather” and ‘climate” goals were less stringent than commonly reported for ocean waters due to the different underlying carbonate chemistry of estuarine waters.  Observed pHT from SeaFET and YSI sensors were in better agreement than commonly assumed (0.079 ± 0.073 units), but YSI pHT uncertainties introduced the largest errors in carbonate system calculations.  Water quality and organismal threshold exceedance uncertainty was reduced by 78% when using SeaFET pHT as an input when compared with YSI pHT.  We suggest that for OA monitoring groups with limited funding, a high-quality pHT or pCO2 sensor paired with a local alkalinity-salinity relationship may be suitable for estuarine OA research.”