Seminar on Sustainable Fisheries
The Hatfield Marine Science Center’s Research Seminar Series continues online. This week’s presentation, on Thursday, Oct. 28, at 3:30 p.m., deals with fisheries. The event is free and open to all.
The speakers are Jessica Watson and Greg Krutzikowsky, who are with the Marine Resources Program of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, based at the Hatfield Marine Science Center. Their topic: “Sustainable Fisheries--Come Get Schooled: The Policy and Science Behind the Management of Oregon’s Highly Migratory and Coastal Pelagic Schooling Species.”
Here is their description of their subject matter:
“Oregon’s marine fisheries have been an integral thread of the economic and social fabric of coastal communities for many generations. Building off the previous seminar on Oregon’s fisheries management, this seminar will focus on Oregon’s highly migratory and coastal pelagic commercial and recreational fisheries management. These transboundary stocks introduce a new suite of challenges with regards to management and policy. As species whose habitat depends on ocean conditions, changing climates and oceanographic patterns will impact our ability to predict how these species– and the fishing industries – will respond to shifts in the environment and new regulatory actions. Federal and state policies call for conservation and wise use of fishery resources. Sound science, in many disciplines, is the foundation of these management efforts regionally and in Oregon. The panelists will provide an overview of federal and state management systems relevant to Oregon highly migratory and coastal pelagic species fisheries, research activities undertaken to support decision-making, and future research and data needs that provide opportunities for collaboration with other scientists and fishermen.”
To attend this seminar, go here.
Password: 972587 or call +1-971-247-1195 US Meeting ID: 945 5573 1151