Siletz Watershed Council Meeting
The Siletz Watershed Council, a working group of the MidCoast Watersheds Council (MCWC), will meet at the Siletz Public Library (255 SE S Gaither St in Siletz) on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 6 p.m. Representatives from the MCWC will present about recent and upcoming habitat restoration in the Siletz River basin and get community input about their priorities.
The discussion will focus on recent large wood placements in Rock Creek and the mainstem of Siletz, an upcoming workshop for a past wood placement in Mill Creek, designs for projects on the Siletz National Wildlife Refuge, and feedback about these and other ecological issues.
This meeting is free and open to all. No registration is required.
Email (, or call (541-265-9195) Tom McCambridge, the MCWC Education and Outreach Specialist, with any questions.