Date wrapper:

Snowy Plover Patrol Training

April 3, 2021 - 10:00 AM
Portland Audubon, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Institute for Natural

Western Snowy Plover.\Photo by Cathy Tronquet.

Portland Audubon is partnering with Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and the Institute for Natural Resources to monitor endangered Western Snowy Plovers at four sites on the North Coast (from Clatsop Spit near Astoria to the Sitka Sedge State Natural Area beach near Pacific City) starting in April and continuing through the summer.  They are looking for volunteers to perform surveys, ideally twice a month but it is possible to arrange to do fewer if needed. Surveys will take 2-4 hours (depending on the site).  Some sites will require a fair amount of walking on sandy beach habitat.

To participate, you must take the training (if you have participated in previous years, this isn’t essential, but still recommended).  On the other hand, you are welcome to attend to learn about plovers, even if you don’t volunteer for the survey.  There are four modules, which can be taken in any order.  The first of the training sessions takes place April 2-3; the other dates are April 10-11.  On Friday, April 2, there are two modules, with the first beginning at 10 a.m.  The second (#4) begins at 11:30.

Module 3: Feet on the Beach
Content covers: Survey Protocol, Tips, Data Collection, Beach Safety

Module 4: Armchair Survey
Content covers: Beach Simulation, Recap, Quiz

To learn more about the Snowy Plover Patrol, go here.

Here’s the form to use to register.

For more information, contact Joe Liebezeit of Portland Audubon at