Date wrapper:

Snowy Plover Session in Port Orford

January 10, 2017 - 7:00 PM
Port Orford Library
1421 Oregon St.
Port Orford, OR

Snowy plovers at South Beach.  Photo by Cathy Tronquet.


The Kalmiopsis Audubon Society is sponsoring a talk by Dan Elbert of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, “Learn about Snowy Plovers,” on Tuesday, January 10, 7 p.m. in the Port Orford Library (1421 Oregon St.).

Elbert will give a presentation at the Port Orford Library about the cultural and natural history of these birds with their unique life stories (shorebirds that are full-time Oregon residents and nest on the beaches), ongoing recovery efforts, and upcoming opportunities to help with citizen science.  In addition, local rancher Terry Wahl, whose family has been involved in plover habitat restoration on Elk River Spit, and Statia Ryder, who has worked to monitor nest sites at New River, will talk briefly about their participation in local recovery efforts for this threatened species.

Elbert will discuss an upcoming plover survey, Jan. 20-26, for which volunteers are needed.

The event is free.  Refreshments will be served.