Talk on Art and Science
The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology is hosting an online talk on art and science by Dr. Fernanda Oyarzun, “My Intertidal: Between Art and Science,” on Thursday, Oct. 29, at 10 a.m.
Dr. Oyarzun is a university faculty member in Conception, Chile, with a PhD in marine biology from the University of Washington. She has done important work as a scientist on marine biodiversity, particularly with regard to the evolution of life history traits in marine larvae. She is also an acclaimed artist who works in several media. Her realistic sculptures of marine life have been displayed around the work. She will present a multimedia lecture showing how she combines these two aspects of her career in her own unique exploration of the natural world.
To access the live lecture, request a Zoom link by writing to Dr. Craig Young at OIMB, Write “OIMB public lecture” in the subject line. If you have attended other online OIMB lectures this fall, and kept the link, you need not request it again, as it is the same as for the previous events.
A recording of the event will be available on the OIMB YouTube Channel,, beginning at 6 p.m. on the day of the event.