Date wrapper:

Talk on Climate and Fisheries

July 10, 2023 - 4:00 PM
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 SE Marine Science Dr
Newport, OR
Hatfield Marine Science Center

Crab boats off Silver Point.
Crab boats off Clatsop County's Silver Point.\Photo by Tiffany Boothe.

The Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) is hosting a special research talk and discussion on “Climate, ecosystems and fisheries: evolving our science advice.” It takes place on Monday, July 10, at 4 p.m. in the HMSC Library Seminar Room (2030 S.E. Marine Science Dr. in Newport). This is a hybrid event. If you would like to attend online, go here.

The speaker is Dr. Cisco Werner, Director of Scientific Programs and Chief Science Advisor for NOAA Fisheries. This will be a seminar plus discussion, focused on evolving management, agency needs and priorities for partnerships. It will include discussion on the funding for community resilience to climate change that has recently been announced. The event will be facilitated by Selina Heppell, Marine Fisheries Ecologist and Head of Oregon State University's Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences.