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Talk on Coastal Curiosities

August 27, 2018 - 7:00 PM
Noodles Restaurant
6830 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy
Portland, OR, OR

Photographic evidence of a myth?  Ostensibly, the notorious green flash.\Photo by Andre' Hagestedt.
Photographic evidence of a myth? Ostensibly, the notorious green flash.\Photo by Andre' Hagestedt.

Andre’ Hagestedt is a CoastWatcher and editor/publisher of the Oregon Coast Beach Connection website (  He has always had a fascination for little-known, odd, mysterious, or just plain mythical aspects of the coastal environment.  He and Oregon Shores Executive Director Phillip Johnson have been arguing for years about whether the famous “green flash” that supposedly appears at sunset under just the right conditions actually exists.  (Andre’, of course, thinks it does.)

Those in the Metro area will get a chance to hear Andre’ expound on a wide range of coastal curiosities, scientific and otherwise, drawing on more than 20 years spent covering the coast as a journalist and entertainment writer, when he speaks on “What They Don’t Tell You about the Oregon Coast” on Monday, Aug. 27, at Noodles Restaurant (6830 S.W. Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy, near the corner of Scholls Ferry Rd. and Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy) in Portland.  The talk, free and open to the public, begins at 7 p.m.  Noodles will provide complimentary hors d’oeuvres; beverages will be for sale.

As Andre’ describes the subject matter:  “Even if you know just a little bit more of some of these delightful factoids, you’re sure to enjoy a trip to the coast even more. Often there are objects hiding in plain sight that host a startling story. There’s often a lot going on just beneath your feet or just a few yards away that will amaze. From surprising history of the region, weird weather facts, the rather spooky geologic beginnings of the beach, to various wonders of science and travel tips you’ve never heard about.” Here is his list of topics (all in one talk, mind you):

  • Crazy tricks of the sunset: the legendary Green Flash and the double-headed sunset
  • When sand glows at night; when sand sings
  • The crazy things that happen when sand levels rise or fall
  • The fiery and frightening story behind the creation of the Oregon coastline
  • What favorite landmarks were really volcanoes?
  • What doomed structures were built at Seaside?
  • Top five cool things to do on the coast no one ever tells you about
  • The enticing weather secrets of the beaches
  • The winding history behind coastal towns and their names
  • Beach safety issues not always talked about
  • Surprising times when general conditions are better to visit the beaches
  • What some of the creatures are that wash up on the sands, and
  • Insider tips on where to go and where not to go

Hagestedt just recently released the first two books of ten, in a series called Ultimate Oregon Coast Travel: Every Beach Access, Odd Facts, Fun Finds. The first two were on Cannon Beach and Seaside – the third is about Lincoln City and comes out soon.

For more information, or to argue about whether the green flash actually exists, contact Andre’ Hagestedt, (503) 384-9617,