Date wrapper:

Talk on Crab Research

July 24, 2019 - 4:00 PM
Oregon Institute of Marine Biology
63466 Boat Basin Road
Charleston, OR
Oregon Institute of Marine Biology

Juvenile Dungeness crab--not the blue eye!\Photo courtesy of ODFW.

Sarah Henkel, a benthic ecologist based at Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center, will speak on “Tracking Crabs: A Highly Collaborative Scientific and Law Enforcement Adventure,” as part of the Summer Seminar Series at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (OIMB).  Her lecture, free and open to the public, takes place at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, July 24, in OIMB’s Boathouse Auditorium.

Dr. Henkel is an associate professor and senior researcher whose research interests address potential effects of human activities (such as marine renewable energy installations, marine reserve designations, coastal development, invasive species, climate change) on bottom-associated fish and invertebrates. This involves fieldwork from the nearshore to the outer continental shelf from northern California to Washington. She also serves as an associate director of OSU’s Pacific Marine Energy Center and as the director of environmental studies for the PacWave open-coastal test facility which includes the planning and execution of environmental research and monitoring at the wave energy test sites. Her PhD in marine science is from the University of California at Santa Barbara.

To reach the OIMB Boathouse Auditorium, park on Boat Basin Rd. near the campus and walk down the road past the Coast Guard housing.

For more information, call (541) 888-2581 or e-mail