Tidepool Walk with Stewart Schultz
Anyone interested in the ecology of Oregon’s rocky shores has a great opportunity coming up. CoastWatch is sponsoring a tidepool-oriented walk with Stewart Schultz, author of The Northwest Coast: A Natural History, and an expert on the coastal ecology of the Pacific Northwest.
Join Stewart and CoastWatch Volunteer Coordinator Jesse Jones at 7:30 a.m. (to take advantage of the low tide), at Oswald West State Park, between Manzanita and Arch Cape on Hwy 101. Meet in the parking lot on the east side of the highway by the restrooms.
The walk will cover all aspects of the rocky intertidal. Stewart Schultz has a wealth of information to offer, and is happy to answer any and all questions, so we’re allowing plenty of time, three hours. (Feel free to peel off early if you can’t linger that long.) Jesse Jones will be there to relate the natural history information to CoastWatch monitoring, and answer questions about the program.
The event is free and open to all, but please register (and seek additional information) by contacting Jesse Jones, (503) 989-7244, jesse@oregonshores.org.