Virtual Docent Discussion
The Hatfield Marine Science Center’s Research Seminar Series features a talk on “Public Science Communication in a Virtual World: Honing your story for virtual tours, exhibits, and talks,” on Thursday, Feb. 25, at 3:30 p.m. The presentation is free and open to all.
Speaker is Shawn Rowe, an associate professor in Oregon State University’s College of Education who is affiliated with Sea Grant. Dr. Rowe is a specialist in the study of “free-choice learning.”
A description of the topic: “In face-to-face communication at public science events, we can count on the power of place, personality, and objects to hook audiences in and help them make sense of and remember our science. But virtual events lose both the anchor of place and the authenticity of objects. What tools and strategies do we have at our disposal to create authentic and engaging interactions through virtual platforms that don’t rely solely on the power of our virtual personalities? In this seminar, Dr. Rowe will present communication techniques that are being shown to transition well from face-to-face to virtual science communication and will provide some evidence-based tips for virtual exhibits and tours.”
To attend the live broadcast of this virtual seminar, go here.
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