Date wrapper:

Virtual Rocky Habitat Training

June 24, 2020 - 6:00 PM
CoastWatch, Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve, Lincoln City Audubon

Low tide at Otter Rock Marine Reserve.\Photo courtesy of ODFW.

In June, the CoastWatch webinar series is focusing on the state’s new Rocky Habitat Management Strategy and the “site designation” process that is just beginning.

On Wednesday, June 24, 6 p.m., we’ll be hosting a webinar that explores how citizens can participate in proposing specific levels of protection for rocky habitat areas.  Our panel includes Charlie Plybon, Surfrider’s policy director and also head of the Rocky Habitat Working Group that developed the new strategy; Dave Fox, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s rocky shores expert; and Michael Moses, the Land Conservation and Development Commission staffer who is managing the site designation process.  The same panel reviewed current levels of protection for rocky habitat areas in a webinar on June 17 (which will currently be available on the CoastWatch YouTube channel). 

CoastWatch Volunteer Coordinator Jesse Jones will lead the discussion.  She and the panelists will describe the state’s new plan for rocky habitat areas within Oregon’s Territorial Sea, how the public site designation process works.  They will also provide tips on participating, and in particular on using the mapping tool which is a key part of the proposal process.  Much of the session will involve Q&A.

To join the webinar, contact Jesse Jones at  Near the date of the event, she will send a link to the Zoom location.  You don’t need to have your own Zoom account in order to participate.