Volunteer Marbled Murrelet Survey
The Audubon Society of Portland is conducting two volunteer-based surveys for the endangered Marbled Murrelet on the central Oregon coast, the second of which takes place July 19-20 (see separate listing for July 13-14). Volunteers can join either survey, or both.
This will be the 12th annual Marbled Murrelet community science survey on this stretch of Oregon's coast. Training will be provided, so no prior experience is needed. RSVP required.
Participants will meet at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 19, for training and background information. The survey then takes place Thursday morning, July 20, beginning at 4:50 a.m. for upland sites, through 6:50 a.m., then resuming 9-10 a.m. for nearshore ocean surveys at six coastal sites.
Oregon State University ornithologist and Marbled Murrelet expert Kim Nelson and naturalist Abigail DeYoung will lead the surveys, along with Paul Engelmeyer of Portland Audubon, who manages the Ten Mile Creek Sanctuary and directs Audubon’s coastal Important Bird Area program. The survey will take place in the Cummins, Ten Mile, and Yachats watersheds. This area includes the recently designated ‘Globally Significant’ Central Coast Murrelet Important Bird Area, with 100,000 acres of murrelet habitat in the Siuslaw National Forest and adjacent nearshore waters.
Participants will be viewing and discussing old-growth forest habitat as well as the recently designated Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve and Seabird Protection Area. During the morning surveys, expect to see and/or hear murrelets on both breeding territory and in their nearshore feeding areas.
Complete the RSVP Form. If you have any questions about this event contact Paul Engelmeyer at 541-547-4227, pengelmeyer@peak.org or Joe Liebezeit, Avian Conservation Program Manager, 971-222-6121, jliebezeit@audubonportland.org.