Whale Science Review
Join the American Cetacean Society (ACS) for their Oregon Chapter Meeting Speaker Series on Saturday September 22nd from 10am-12pm at the Newport Public Library (35 NW Nye St, Newport). This is a free event and open to the public. The meeting will focus on: Sharing the Science: What 2500 Whale Watchers are doing for Research.
There’s something amazing happening across the Pacific Ocean: every single humpback whale swimming in waters accessible by tour vessels may soon be identified as an individual and tracked. A growing team of citizen scientists collaborating with researchers through the web platform Happywhale, www.Happywhale.com, have now identified over 16000 individuals from the Antarctic to Alaska. Suddenly, whale science has become personal, and accessible, and hopefully, more powerful. With this, we are more quickly identifying entangled whales, learning if individuals who have suffered entanglements survive. Join ACS on Sept. 22nd to enjoy stories and images from an inspiring movement in citizen science.