Date wrapper:
Yaquina Bay Bird Count Report
January 7, 2016 - 6:30 PM
Central Lincoln PUD, Public Meeting Room
Papish is a self-declared “professional bird enthusiast” who lives in the area and participates in the yearly bird counts. The Yaquina Birders and Naturalists have been participating in the event, which is administered by the National Audubon Society and organized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Yearly bird counts have indicated, for example, that Anna’s hummingbirds have been increasing steadily from 1973 until now, while Canvasback ducks have been declining during these 42 years. Other results will be shown along with Ram’s beautiful photographs.
Now retired to concentrate on his art, Papish spent 20 years as a field biologist, working nationally and internationally. In addition to prints and custom pieces, he has illustrated field guides and contributed work to many books and publications. He has designed and illustrated interpretive panels for agencies and programs and has also written two wildlife related children’s books, as well as non-wildlife related mysteries.