Mile 170
South end Heceta Beach, North and South Jetty Siuslaw R
Lane County
Latitude: 44.015617910143
Longitude: -124.138269101740
Longitude: -124.138269101740
Google Map: General area
Vehicles: View vehicle information
- Non-street legal vehicle travel is prohibited year around from the Siuslaw River (44° 00.9720', Mile 170), southerly to the south end of the South Jetty Road (43° 57.3846', Mile 166).
- Motor vehicle travel is prohibited from May 1 through September 30 from the Siuslaw River (44° 00.9720', Mile 170), southerly to the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area south parking lot (43° 57.5910', Mile 167) and from sunrise to sunset on legal holidays (as defined in ORS Chapter 187) and on Saturdays and Sundays between October 1 and April 30.
- Motor vehicle travel is prohibited from the Lincoln County-Lane County line (44° 16.5774', Mile 190), southerly to the Siuslaw River (44° 00.9720', Mile 170).
Tide Predictions: NOAA or