Mile 262

Cape Kiwanda State Park
Tillamook County

Latitude: 45.225714913978
Longitude: -123.974519764100
Google Map: General area
Vehicles: View vehicle information
  • Motor vehicle travel is prohibited from the base of the headland north of Cape Kiwanda (45° 13.3248', Mile 262), southerly to a point north of the beach ramp near Cape Kiwanda (45° 12.9684', Mile 261), except as follows:
    (A) From the base of the headland south of Cape Kiwanda (45° 13.0950', Mile 261), southerly approximately 400 feet to (45° 13.0632', Mile 261), motor vehicles essential to and engaged in boat launchings, boat recoveries, transferring equipment or supplies onto boats, unloading equipment or catches from boats, or emergency repairs of other vehicles or boats will be allowed at any time during the year;
    (B) From (45° 13.0632', Mile 261), southerly approximately 700 feet to a line located north of and parallel to the beach ramp near Cape Kiwanda, the point of intersection of said line and the line of vegetation being at (45° 12.9684', Mile 261), operation or parking of motor vehicles used for towing boat trailers or essential to boat launchings will be allowed.

  • Motor vehicle travel is allowed at any time from the mouth of Sand Lake (45° 16.6920', Mile 266) southerly to the base of the headland north of Cape Kiwanda (45° 13.3248', Mile 262), except as follows: From the mouth of Sand Lake (45° 16.6920', Mile 266), southerly to the approximate north boundary of Cape Kiwanda State Park property (45° 14.7900', Mile 263), motor vehicle travel is prohibited May 1 through September 30 and from sunrise to sunset on legal holidays (as defined in ORS Chapter 187) and on Saturdays and Sundays between October 1 and April 30.
Tide Predictions: NOAA or
Cape Kiwanda State Park