New River Hike
The Southcoast Striders hiking group offer an expedition to an important habitat area, the New River, which runs south to north behind the foredune. The hike takes place on Saturday, July 10, beginning at 10 a.m.
It really is a new river, having been formed in 1890 when a storm closed off Floras Lake's outlet. It now runs from the lake north nearly to Bandon; it is managed by the BLM as the New River Area of Critical Environmental Concern. In addition to the river, the hike will feature an old cranberry bog, ancient manzanitas, and all manner of other vegetation. The group will later move on to additional hiking at Lost Lake. Lunch can be at either the New River ACEC Nature Center, or at the Lost Lake trailhead.
Meet at 10:00 at New River ACEC parking lot.
Directions: Turn west off Hwy 101 on Croft Lake Lane, about 11 miles south of Bandon, and follow the signs.
It is necessary to register for this hike. To register, go here.