Meeting on Elliott State Forest
Conservationists have been working for many years to protect the Elliott State Forest, northeast of Coos Bay. At first the battle was to prevent the state from selling it to private interests (a battle which Oregon Shores joined). More recently, the effort is to find a path to a better future for “The Elliott.” On Wednesday, Dec. 8, conservation groups headed by Cascadia Wildlands and Coast Range Forest Watch are joining forces to present an update on advocating for the forest’s conservation.
The Elliott State Forest was logged over the decades to provide money for Oregon’s Common School Fund. But it still harbors one of the largest blocks of old growth forest remaining in the coastal region, and provides crucial habitat for threatened species including Marbled Murrelets, salmon and other wildlife. It is a valued recreational resource for local communities.
Decisions about the Elliott are imminent, and the opportunity has arisen to preserve it as a “research forest.” Public involvement is needed. This online public meeting is intended to get those willing to advocate for the forest up to speed.
To attend the meeting, go here.