Lecture on Coastal Sediments
The Hatfield Marine Science Center continues to hold its Thursday research seminar series online. First talk in 2022 concerns a study of coastal sediments. The event, on Thursday, Jan. 6, at 3:30 p.m., is free and open to all.
The speaker is Kara Gadeken., a graduate student at the University of South Alabama working at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, also in Alabama. Her topic: “Coastal sediment response to the diel oxygen cycle.”
Her description of her talk:
“Shallow marine soft sediments serve an important ecological function by respiring organic matter, consuming dissolved oxygen (DO) in the process. Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) depends on the concentration of DO in the overlying water but can also be increased by mixing and irrigating activities of sediment-dwelling macrofauna. Low DO concentrations in the water can drive decreased oxygen flux into sediments and alter the behavior and activity of macrofauna. The effects of persistent low DO on sediment communities have been well studied, however in shallow, productive coastal environments DO can vary dramatically on short timescales, frequently following a diel cycle caused by photosynthesis increasing oxygen during the day and respiration consuming oxygen at night. I will be sharing results from my dissertation work exploring the effects of diel changes in dissolved oxygen on macrofaunal behavior and activities and corresponding changes in sediment metabolism throughout the diel cycle. This research sheds new light on the connection between oxygen concentration and oxygen consumption in these dynamic, productive marine systems and improves our understanding of the role of macrofauna in modulating that relationship.”
To register for this event, go here.
Password: 972587 or call +1-971-247-1195 US Meeting ID: 945 5573 1151