Sea Otter Update
Oregon Wild will host “A Deep Dive into the Sea Otter Feasibility Study” on Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 6 p.m. The event is free and open to all.
The speaker will be a representative (TBA) from the Elakha Alliance, which works toward restoring sea otters to Oregon’s coastal waters. Oregon Wild was one of the groups founding the Elakha Alliance, as was Oregon Shores.
This webinar will explore a feasibility study sponsored by the Alliance. The audience will learn about the study, the most important guiding document for reintroducing sea otters to the Oregon coast. The talk will cover topics varying from habitat suitability and the ecosystem effects of sea otters to political, legal, economic, and social considerations for successful reintroduction.
Sea otters were once abundant along the Oregon coast, before the arrival of European fur traders and settlers. The absence of this species is still felt to this day, not only by tribes who had a connection to the species from time immemorial, but also by the entire coastal ecosystem that was thrown off balance by the absence of this key predator. However, there is now hope for the return of this beloved, charismatic, and ecologically important mammal.
To attend this event, go here.