Science on Tap: Coastal Hazards
The Hatfield Marine Science Center continues its “Science on Tap” lecture series. In the covid era, the talks are online. The downside is that instead of imbibing with fellow science enthusiasts, you have to pour your own in front of your computer; the upside is that you can sit in from anywhere, rather than needing to be in Newport.
The next talk in this series, coming up Wednesday, March 16, at 6 p.m., is by Peter Ruggiero, professor with Oregon State University’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, and Director and Principal Investigator of The Cascadia Coastlines and Peoples Hazards Research Hub. His topic: “How do Cascadia coastal communities increase their resilience to coastal hazards?”
Pacific Northwest coastal communities are at risk from earthquakes, including “The Really Big One,” tsunamis, sea level rise, landslides, erosion, and increased precipitation. Stretching from Cape Mendocino, California through Oregon and Washington to Vancouver Island, Canada, Cascadia communities are calling for “a coordinated research agenda among universities, governmental agencies, NGOs, and others” to help them achieve resilience to these coastal hazards. Dr. Ruggiero, who specialty is geomorphology and coastal hazards, will explain how the Cascadia Coastlines and Peoples Hazards Research Hub (Cascadia CoPes Hub) is responding directly to this call to increase coastal community adaptive capacity.
To register for this event, go here.
Or Call: +1 971 247 1195 Webinar ID: 918 9606 2536