Date wrapper:

Accessibility Listening Session

March 21, 2022 - 6:00 PM
Oregon Parks and Recreation Department

Photo of beach access point at Otter Rock by Sara Schreiber.
The access point to the beach at Otter Rock is difficult for many people to navigate.\Photo by Sara Schreiber.

Oregon State Parks is developing new Accessibility Design Standards and hosting four workshops through June, starting with a Listening Session on Monday, March 21, beginning at 6 p.m.

The goal of this project is to address barriers to access across Oregon by ensuring voices of the disabled community are heard and prioritized. The workshops are specifically for the disabled community to share their lived experiences navigating barriers to outdoor spaces.

The four workshops, each session building on the last, are to gather feedback and include disabled voices in the planning and design of parks. The workshops will help identify barriers to access, set project priorities, and brainstorm solutions to meet our communities needs and desires in the outdoors.

For more information about the project, what to expect, accessibility, and how to register, visit the Oregon Parks and Recreation website, or click the links below to go directly to registration. You will need to register for each date individually.

Workshop Dates:
March 21, 6 p.m.-8 p.m., First Listening Session:
April 13, 6 p.m.-8 p.m.:
May 4, 6 p.m.-8 p.m.:
May 31, 6 p.m.-8 p.m.: