Date wrapper:

Party in Pistol River for Mining-Free South Coast Streams

October 23, 2015 - 5:30 PM
Pistol River Friendship Hall
24252 Carpenterville Hwy.
Gold Beach, OR

Photo of the Pistol River at sunset by Kem Morrish.
Opponents of nickel mine schemes that could afflict the near-pristine rivers of the southern Oregon coast will celebrate recent successes and point toward future activism with a party on Friday, Oct. 23, 5:30 p.m. at the Pistol River Friendship Hall, 24252 Carpenterville Hwy., Gold Beach.

Sponsored by the Native Fish Society, Kalmiopsis Audubon, Wild and Scenic Rivers and Arch Rock Brewing Co., the party will feature Arch Rock brew and light snacks as well as music from Cliff Stansell and the Gumboot Chitons.

The event celebrates the upsurge of activism aimed at blocking proposals to develop nickel mines in the headwaters of Pistol River, Hunter Creek, Illinois River and the north fork of the Smith River.  Well over 400 people turned out for two recent hearings held by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service on a proposed mineral withdrawal of these lands.  Oregon Shores has strongly supported these efforts.

The further good news is that Oregon senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden, along with U.S. Representative Peter DeFazio, have introduced the Southwestern Oregon Salmon and Watershed Protection Act of 2015, which prompted federal agencies (the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management) to declare the “mineral withdrawal” which temporarily removes the area from the 1872 Mining Act (which opens to door to mining on public lands).

The party was organized to thank volunteers, but also to urge party-goers to sign up for future volunteer opportunities in this ongoing struggle.

For more information, contact Dave Lacey, (541) 373-0487,