Gray Whale Talk
The American Cetacean Society—Oregon Chapter offers a talk on our familiar gray whales on Saturday, Dec. 9, 11:30 a.m. at the Newport Public Library (35 N.W. Nye St.).
Speaker will be James Sumich, author of E. robustus: the biology and human history of gray whales.
Jim Sumich retired as Professor Emeritus of marine biology and zoology at Grossmont College in California. He has a courtesy appointment with OSU’s Marine Mammal Institute. Dr. Sumich has conducted research on gray whales from Baja California to British Columbia, including an intensive 14-month study of a captive rehabilitating gray whale calf in San Diego. In addition to research articles, he has authored several textbooks including a best-selling textbook on marine biology (now in its 11th edition) and co-authored all three editions of Marine Mammals: Evolutionary Biology.