Date wrapper:

Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions in Climate Change Research

October 21, 2016 - 4:00 PM
Boathouse Auditorium, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology
63466 Boat Basin Rd
Charleston, OR

Photo of Dr. Lucas Silva.
Dr. Lucas Silva.

The fourth of six seminars in the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology's fall seminar series will feature Dr.  Lucas Silva, Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography & the Environmental Studies Program of the University of Oregon, speaking on "The strength of weak ties: Placing soil-plant-atmosphere interactions at the forefront of climate change research."

For more information, see the related article here or contact Maya Watts, education program coordinator at OIMB, (541) 888-2581, ext. 201,

To reach the Boathouse auditorium, park along Boat Basin Road across from the OIMB campus and walk past the Coast Guard housing.