Date wrapper:

Lecture on Conservation Photography

May 14, 2017 - 2:00 PM
Netarts Community Club
4949 Hwy (State Route) 131
Netarts, OR

Photographers William Finley and Herman Bohlman on the Oregon coast.  Photo courtesy of Oregon Historical Society.
Photographers William Finley and Herman Bohlman on the Oregon coast. Photo courtesy of Oregon Historical Society.

The Oregon Historical Society is presenting a series of lectures called “Hunting Birds with a Camera:  How William Finley and Herman Bohlman Used Photography to Save Oregon’s Birds.” 

The only coastal stop on this tour takes place in Netarts at the Netarts Community Club (4949 Hwy 131), from 2-3:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 14.  This retrospective on the work of these pioneering photographers will be presented by Laura Cray, a PhD student in the history of science at Oregon State University, and Bob Sallinger, conservation director with Portland Audubon.

Finley and Bohlman (often accompanied by Irene Finley) traveled Oregon’s often remote outback in the early 20th century.  Scaling trees, fording rivers, and braving Oregon’s most rugged landscapes, they went to almost any lengths to capture Oregon’s birds on film. Their photographs and tireless dedication to education captivated the public and helped lead to the creation of the state’s first wildlife refuges, laying the foundation for Oregon’s legacy as a leader in conservation. The presentation will display rarely seen, behind-the-scenes photographs and recapture the spirit of Finley’s long beloved public programs.

Immediately after the presentation, an additional expedition is offered to the Cape Meares Scenic Viewpoint, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff and volunteers will provide background on the seabirds protected by the Three Arch Rocks Wildlife Refuge. 

Related presentations and outings will also be available in Corvallis on May 12 and 13 and in Portland on June 7. For information about other stops in this program’s tour, see the Oregon Historical Society website.