Date wrapper:

Cannon Beach CoastWatch Clinic

May 30, 2017 - 10:00 AM
Chapman Beach
W. 7th St. (terminus)
Cannon Beach, OR

 Fawn Custer leading a CoastWatch Clinic\Photo by Alex Derr.
Fawn Custer leading a CoastWatch Clinic\Photo by Alex Derr.

Fawn Custer, CoastWatch’s volunteer coordinator, will lead a basic CoastWatch Clinic at Chapman Beach, at the north end of Cannon Beach, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m on May 30.  To meet up, go west on W. 7th, north on N. Laurel, west on W. 7th to its end); park in that area and follow the trail down through the sand and onto Chapman Beach. 

Fawn will provide an introduction to monitoring a CoastWatch mile and filling out the report form, together with an explanation of the protocols for our sea star, marine debris, beached bird, and marine mammal stranding citizen science surveys. The clinic will be starting with a sea star survey.  If you join later, Fawn will be wearing the bright orange rain pants.

Everyone is welcome—CoastWatchers, prospective CoastWatchers, or simply interested members of the public.  Feel free to invite others along.  The cost is free, of course!

For more information about this event or about CoastWatch training in general, contact Fawn at (541) 270-0027,