Hearing on Coos Bay Channel Project
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will hold a “scoping meeting” concerning the Port of Coos Bay’s proposed Coos Bay Channel Modification Project on Wednesday, Sept. 13, from 3-7 p.n. in the Myrtlewood Room of the Coos Bay Public Library (525 Anderson Ave.). The port proposes to deepen and widen the navigation channel through the estuary from the ocean to river mile 8.2. The Corps of Engineers will be preparing an Environmental Impact Statement to analyze the potential impacts.
There will be impacts to the estuarine environment, of course, but one significant potential impact will be facilitating development of the proposed LNG (liquefied natural gas) export terminal at Jordan Cove.
Concerned citizens can attend the meeting, or can submit written comments on or before October 3 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (PM-E), P. O. Box 2946, Portland, OR 97208-2946, or by email at coosbaychannelmodEIS@usace.army.mil. All comments should include “Coos Bay Channel Modification Project EIS” in the subject line. Written comments may also be submitted at the scoping meeting.
Questions about the proposed action and draft EIS may be directed to: Dr. Ann Hodgson at (503) or at the e-mail address above.
The Corps maintains a website with project information and to receive public input.
Additionally, you can find information on the project on the Port’s website here.