Date wrapper:

FERC Intervention Deadline

October 26, 2017 - 2:00 PM
Free - public process

 Artist's conception of proposed Jordan Cove LNG terminal.
Artist's conception of proposed Jordan Cove LNG terminal.

The official opportunity for citizens to file as an Intervenor in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s decision-making process concerning the proposed LNG (liquefied natural gas) export terminal on Coos Bay’s North Spit closes at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 26.  There will be many opportunities to comment on the application for the Jordan Cove LNG plant and Pacific Connector pipeline that would feed it as it comes under consideration by various state and federal agencies, but filing as an Intervenor makes you a formal part of the process. 

If you do want to intervene, file under FERC Docket Numbers CP17-494-000 (Pacific Connector) and CP17-495-000 (Jordan Cove).

For instructions on how to intervene, see our article.