Date wrapper:

King Tide Presentation

December 2, 2017 - 11:00 AM
Cape Perpetua Vositor Center
2400 Hwy 101
Yachats, OR
Siuslaw National Forest, Cape Perpetua Visitor Center

 Cape Perpetua and the Visitor Center.\Photo by Alex Derr.
Cape Perpetua and the Visitor Center.\Photo by Alex Derr.

Fawn Custer, CoastWatch’s volunteer coordinator, will make a presentation on the King Tide Project, sea level rise, and citizen science at the Cape Perpetua Visitor Center (2400 Hwy 101) just south of the cape, about three miles south of Yachats.  Fawn will speak at 11 a.m.  Her talk is free and open to all.

Fawn will explain how to participate in the project, through which volunteer photographers document the highest reach of the year’s highest tides, as a preview of sea level rise.  She will discuss the significance of the information being obtained through the annual project, and show glimpses of the results to date.  The next round of the project is coming up Dec. 3-5, so this talk is timely.

Fawn can also be counted on to touch on other citizen science projects in which CoastWatch is engaged, and take questions on any shoreline subject.  For more information about this presentation or the King Tide Project, contact her at (541) 270-0027,