King Tide Meet-Up
The winter’s third and final set of highest high tides, and thus the last round of our King Tide Project, is coming up January 2-4. Photographers can participate anywhere—photos documenting the highest reach of the highest tides at any point on the outer shoreline, the shores of estuaries, or along lower river floodplains are useful. However, if you will be on the Lane County coast and would like suggestions about good locations for good King Tide shots, along with some companionship, moral support (especially if it’s raining), and perhaps some last-minute instruction, we have an invitation for you.
Fawn Custer, CoastWatch’s volunteer coordinator, will meet informally with King Tide volunteers at the River Roasters coffee shop in Florence (1240 Bay St.) on Tuesday, Jan. 2. Wander in any time between 11 a.m. and noon to enjoy coffee, tea, and baked goods (no host), and map out locations to photograph the highest reach of the tides, taking place shortly thereafter. You can then head out singly or join up with others for teamwork.
High tide on Jan. 2 is shortly after noon, so you will want to get there early enough to head out with enough time to get to your location by then.
For more information, about the rendezvous or about the King Tide Project in general, contact Fawn at (541) 270-0027,