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Talk on Vanishing Oregon Dunes

February 24, 2018 - 2:00 PM
Cape Perpetua Visitor Center
2400 Hwy 101
Yachats, OR
Siuslaw National Forest

Tahkenitch dunes.
Tahkenitch dunes. | Photo by Richard Hikes

The Oregon dunes are important to our coastal communities both economically and ecologically; they delight residents and the approximately 500,000 visitors who travel to see them each year.  They also are home to a plethora of native plants and wildlife. And the dunes are disappearing before our eyes. Learn about this unique landscape from local author, U.S. Forest Service Volunteer, and exceptional steward of the Oregon Dunes, Dina Pavlis (also, we might note, a CoastWatcher).  

Pavlis, author of Secrets of the Oregon Dunes, will speak at the Cape Perpetua Visitor Center (2400 Hwy 101, about three miles south of Yachats) at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 24.  She will describe the origins ("Where does all the sand come from?"), current shapes, and future of the dunes.

Her talk is part of the Cape Perpetua Speaker Series, which runs from January-March at the visitor center. Each event in the series features a special presenter who is well versed on a partiuclar point of interest.  All talks are free, although a day use pass is required to part at the visitor center.

Both the visitor center and the Oregon Dunes National Recreational Area are managed by the Siuslaw National Forest.  For more information call 541-547-3289.