Date wrapper:

Coos Basin Chinook Presentation

February 17, 2018 - 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Charleston Marine Life Center
63466 Boat Basin Rd.
Charleston, OR
Shoreline Education for Awareness

Chinook salmon.
Chinook salmon. | Courtesy of OCEANA

Shoreline Education for Awareness (SEA) is offering an opportunity to learn about Chinook salmon populations and the effort to smooth the path for them in the Coos River basin on Saturday, Feb. 17, 9:30 a.m. at the Charleston Marine Life Center (63466 Boat Basin Rd.). The presentation, free and open to the public, is part of SEA's 2018 Coastal Education Series.

The presentation will be led by by Chris Claire, Habitat Protection Biologist with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife on the south coast. She will provide insight into trends among the Coos River basin wild and hatchery Fall Chinook populations from the late 1800s to the present. Claire provides technical guidance on numerous instream, wetland, tidal, and fish passage restoration projects relating to design, implementation and fish salvage. In 2009-2013 Claire was involved as a restoration team member on the Bandon Marsh National Wildlife refuge Ni-les’tun Unit restoration of 418 acres of tidal marsh. She also served as a partner on the Coos Watershed Association's East Fork Oxbow reconnection project in 2015. This presentation promises to provide thought-provoking information on a very important ecological resource.