Date wrapper:

Public Hearing on Dune Grading

March 20, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Rockaway Beach City Hall
276 S. Hwy 101
Rockaway, OR
Free - public hearing

Nedonna Beach scene.\Photo by Seth Thompson.
Nedonna Beach scene.\Photo by Seth Thompson.

At the request of concerned local citizens, the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department will hold a public hearing to take testimony on a proposal to alter the foredune that fronts the Nedonna Beach area at the north end of the city of Rockaway Beach.  The hearing takes place on Tuesday, March 20, 7 p.m. in the Civic Facility Room of the Rockaway Beach City Hall (276 S. Hwy 101).

The issue is the Ocean Shore Sand Alteration Application submitted by Association of Nedonna Beachfront Property Owners, Inc. Nedonna Beach.  To see the application, go here.

The beachfront property owners wish to grade the dune to improve their views, and already have the permission of the city.  Other residents are concerned about disturbances to plants and animals that inhabit the dune, about losing the natural character of the shoreline, and about potential impacts such as blowing sand or changes to local hydrology.

For more information, contact Jay Sennewald of State Parks, (541) 563-8504,