Science Fair/March for Science
CoastWatch will be tabling on the boardwalk in Coos Bay as part of the second annual Science Fair sponsored by COOS—Celebration of Oregon Science. The fair kicks off at 12:15 p.m., immediately after the March for Science, which starts from the boardwalk area at noon. (For those unfamiliar with Coos Bay, the boardwalk runs between Hwy 101 and the bay along the city’s downtown waterfront.) Everyone is invited to join the march and perhaps carry a homemade sign proclaiming support for real science.
The Science Fair provides an opportunity to learn about science-related projects taking place in the community from the organizations involved—including the citizen science organized by CoastWatch. Fawn Custer, our volunteer coordinator, will be there, explaining CoastWatch monitoring and citizen science and answering questions about anything shore-related.
Other participants include the Coos Watershed Association, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Charleston Marine Life Center, Eric the Bird Nerd, Shoreline Education for Awareness, Coos Bay Surfrider, and the SWOCC Physics Department.
The event is family friendly, with displays on solar energy and a table of science experiments designed just for kids.
For more science activities sponsored by COOS, see the calendar on their Facebook page.