Date wrapper:

Antarctic Ocean Seminar

April 27, 2018 - 4:00 PM
OIMB Boathouse Auditorium
63466 Boat Basin Rd
Charleston, OR
Oregon Institute of Marine Biology

Paul Cziko and a fish in the Antarctic. | Photo by Paul Cziko

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology's Spring 2018 Seminar Series features Paul Cziko, a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Oregon. He will speak on, "The McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory: opening a 'window' into Antacrtica's frozen ocean," at 4 p.m. on April 27 in the OIMB Boathouse Auditorium.  The event is free and open to all with a serious interest in science--these seminars are aimed at those with science backgrounds rather than the general public, although anyone is welcome to attend.

Dr. Cziko's biography: "My primary interests revolve around the ecology, evolution and physiology of polar fishes, especially the Antarctic notothenioids. My research on these unique organisms includes their freezing-avoidance mechanisms conferred by the evolution of antifreeze proteins, their ecology, life history, development and various other adaptations that enable their survival in frigid seawater. To understand the environmental context in which these fishes evolved, I also investigate the oceanographic processes in Antarctica, especially in McMurdo Sound, that cause the formation of underwater ice (anchor- and platelet ice) and drive the gain and loss of ice crystals inside these fishes' bodies.

Please park on Boat Basin Road near the OIMB campus and walk past the Coast Guard housing to the OIMB Boathouse. Call (541) 888-2581 or email for more information.