Coastal Issues Forum
Three key coastal concerns—sea level rise, ocean acidification, and the opening of our waters to oil and gas drilling by the Trump administration—will be addressed in a public forum taking place in the auditorium of the Lincoln City Cultural Center on Sunday, April 29, 1-3 p.m. The free event, open to all, is sponsored by Surfrider, the Coast Range Association, and the Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County.
Three speakers will be featured:
George Waldbusser, an assistant professor of ocean ecology and biochemistry at Oregon State University, will speak on “Ocean Acidification and Coastal Fisheries.”
Peter Ruggiero, a professor of geologic and geophysics at Oregon State, will speak on “Sea Level Rise and Coastal Erosion.”
Charlie Plybon, Oregon Surfrider’s policy director, will speak on “Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling.
After these talks, the three will be joined by State Rep. David Gomberg and State Sen. Arnie Roblan for a panel discussion and question-and-answer session.
For more information about the event, contact Jim Carlson, (503) 801-5538,