Date wrapper:

Rockaway Riprap Issue Redux

September 5, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Rockaway Beach City Hall
276 S. Hwy 101
Rockaway Beach, OR
Free—public meeting

 The Tai Dang house.\Photo by Scott Gilbert.
The Tai Dang house.\Photo by Scott Gilbert.

A hearing will be held in Rockaway on Wednesday, Sept. 5, on property owner Tai Dang’s effort to riprap his threatened house.  This is actually an appeal of the city’s earlier finding that the house does not qualify for shoreline armoring because it was built in an illegal location.  This is the latest round in a long battle that has taken place over several years, in which Oregon Shores has been heavily engaged.  The joint hearing by the city council and planning commission takes place at 6 p.m. in the council chamber of the Rockaway Beach City Hall (276 S. Hwy 101). 

For background on the issue, see our accompanying article.

Comments can be made by members of the public at the hearing, or in writing addressed to the Planning Commission, City Hall, P.O. Box 5, Rockaway Beach, OR  97136.  Cite appeal AAD #18-07 in making comments.  The property in question is located at 211 S. 6th Ave.

The staff report on the matter and other related materials can be viewed at city hall, or obtained at a “reasonable cost.”  The city’s notice states that “In raising an issue, the relevant Rockaway Beach Zoning Ordinance or Comprehensive Plan criterion to which the issue is directed must be specified.”  If you are able to obtain these documents, it will apparently make your testimony more effective to cite specific provisions in the city’s land use regulations.  Oregon Shores would urge concerned citizens to comment even if unable to meet this standard, which we consider to be an unfair barrier to citizens who are not land use experts, something we will protest in our own comments.