Letter Writing Workshop
Jason Gonzales, an organizer on forest issues for Oregon Wild, will be the guest at the next meeting of the Rockaway Beach Citizens for Watershed Protection on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 6-8 p.m. at the North Coast Recreation District headquarters (36155 9th St.) in Nehalem. The meeting is free and open to all.
Gonzales will also speak about Spray Free Coast, a coalition of grassroots community groups that are organizing along the Oregon Coast to inform local residents about the effects of industrial logging on both Coast Range and coastal communities. Most notably, the group is focused on the aerial spraying of pesticides after clearcut logging, especially logging in watersheds used for drinking water. Currently, Spray Free Coast has representatives ranging from Port Orford to Astoria, coordinating education and outreach, information, workshops, and events in their local communities. For more information: www.sprayfreecoast.com.
Rockaway Beach Citizens for Watershed Protection (RBCWP) has announced regular monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of every month. RBCWP is a group of citizens who are concerned about clearcut logging, the spraying of pesticides after logging, and the effects this has on public health and wildlife habitat in the region of the North Oregon Coast. RBCWP is particularly focused on working towards healthy watersheds. All meetings will begin at 6 p.m., with speakers at 6:30. Meetings will all be held at the North Coast Recreation District facility.
These monthly gatherings are free and open to the public and will begin at 6:00 pm with a social time, providing the opportunity to become better acquainted with RBCWP members. The guest speaker will begin their presentation at 6:30 pm. After the main presentation, there will be time for other RBCWP issues and concerns to be discussed. Meetings will be held at the North Coast Recreation District in Nehalem. (36155 9th St, Nehalem, OR 97131).
For more information about the meetings or the group, contact Nancy Webster, (503) 355-2516, rockawaycitizen.water@gmail.com.