Date wrapper:

Beach Cleanups

September 29, 2018 - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Yaquina Bay State Park, Nye Beach Turnaround, Agate Beach Wayside State Park, Beverly Beach State Park, and at Otter Rock/Devil's Punchbowl
Lincoln County, OR
Newport Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, SOLVE

Courtesy of Surfrider Foundation

 The Newport Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation and SOLVE are calling for volunteers on Sept. 29 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to clean up litter from local beaches. Newport Surfrider will be handing out cleanup supplies and collecting debris at five locations in Lincoln County. This is a family friendly event, and all Oregonians are invited to participate.

Beach Captains will be at Yaquina Bay State Park, Nye Beach Turnaround, Agate Beach Wayside State Park, Beverly Beach State Park, and at Otter Rock/Devil's Punchbowl to direct volunteers.  Surfrider is sponsoring a BBQ and s ocial gathering at 1 p.m. at Yaquina Bay State Park in Newport following the cleanup.

To participate, please register at the cleanup sites on the day of the cleanup or sign up beforehand with SOLVE here

Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit environmental organization that works to protect and preserve the world’s oceans, waves, and beaches. The Newport Oregon Chapter works to protect beaches from Florence to Tillamook.  For more information on the Newport Oregon Chapter, visit their website.  SOLVE is a statewide organization that works to clean up habitats of all types.